Sunday, January 2, 2011
New Name for the Blog
but we have a new address because of a new addition:
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Clue #4
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Thursday, October 1, 2009
In case you were wondering where Joan and Justin were during the Wedding..

Ellie is Joan and Justin's second child. If she's anything like her mom I feel sorry for her big brother Tyler. (BTW: Joan's my little sister who couldn't make the wedding cause she had "better things to do")
Sidenote: Of the peeps we invited to the wedding, (off the top of my head) 8 babies were born within a few weeks of the wedding. In other words, my friends don't ski or snowboard much in November, December, or January.
Friday, September 11, 2009
FAQs for YOUs
How do I request Karaoke song? Click here
Do you have a Gift registry? Click here
Where do I Park and what is a RECEPTION QUEST? Click here
How do I get to the wedding?
Getting to Morris Chapel from I-5 heading North (from Bay Area) : Click here
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Where to Park and the RECEPTION QUEST!
Once you get on campus you will see directional signs for "Morris Chapel Parking". We highly encourage you to follow these signs. The signs will lead you to a parking lot in between the Chapel and the reception site. When you get to Morris Chapel, you will notice that there's a parking lot smack dab right next to the chapel. Resist the urge to park in these spots. Keep your eyes on the signs. We strongly urge you to not park next to the Chapel for a few reasons.
- Distance-wise the reception site (DeRosa University Center) is 2 blocks from the Chapel but you have to walk through campus. During the day its a beautiful walk from the Center to the Chapel and vice versa. At night (after the reception) the walk is similar to the maze at the end of "The Shining". Unless you have "the shine" I wouldn't risk it. Plus you'll be drinking. For this reason it makes more sense to park in the lot between the chapel and the reception site. This lot is much easier to find after a night of Bud Lights and complaining about Franks ability to receive telepathic messages from Scatman Crothers.
- For those who require assistance from the Chapel to the reception site, we're providing a golf cart.
- You do not want to miss out on the "reception quest", do you?
Oh, what's that? I'm sorry, I can't hear you over the sound of how awesome our "reception quest" is going to be. You'll have to speak louder. don't know what a "reception quest" is? Well OK, we'll explain it to you.
A reception quest is a series of clues and puzzles aimed to test your intelligence and endurance while guiding you to the reception site. During a reception quest only the pure of heart will survive. Its a quest designed to maximize action, adventure, and camaraderie on your way to the reception. Its....well the quest is basically a scavenger hunt designed to stall Justin and Brian on their b-line to the open bar.
Seriously though, the "real purpose" of the quest is to share Pacific's beautiful campus and to give our guest something fun to do on the walk to the reception. Carrie has put in so much work in the quest and we want everyone to enjoy it. Originally we were going to make it a surprise (a mini-DaVinci Code in our wedding program). But since I hang out with guys like Gabe and Richie, we realized that everyone might not get to the first clue. So we decided to include the map with the program and give our guest a heads up beforehand. The quest should only take about 10 minutes (30 mins for Gabe and Richie). The map will look something like this:
We would like as many of our guest to take part in the "Reception Quest" so please spread the word before, during and immediately after the wedding about the large amounts of fun you will be having on your way to the reception.
This isn't my first rodeo
My nephew and ring bearer, Tyler, left his Lightnening McQueen Car at our house a few months ago. This was the result. Clink on the link if you dare: The Save McQueen Blog
I highly suggest reading the note at the beginning and then read the rest backwards (bottom post first) since the posts go in reverse chronological order. And yes, I made this as a joke for his parents and not for Tyler to read himself.
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Where Should We Honeymoon?
Carrie and I can't decide. Could this be our first fight? how cute.
Where Should We Honeymoon?
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
The Good Life
When I was finished eating, I stretched back with my arms behind my head. I glanced down by my my feet. Little bits of my burger and half of my fries were sitting there on the floor. They were in a nice little pile waiting to be eaten by Huck. As I was cleaning the mess I made, I began to appreciate what an integral part of my life that little fucker had become.

As I write this I know that a month or a week from now I'll be on the couch, eating a peanut and butter and jelly sandwich. When I'm done, I'll look down and I'll find all the crust of that sandwich on the floor. And he won't be there to eat it.

Huckelberry the Dog
1993 - 2009
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Bachelor Party Evite Mad Libs
- "anyone know where i can get a ______?"
- "since we won't be in vegas, _____ are optional, well maybe not!
- "______ yeah"
- "I'll get the _______, guys!"
- "I'm in for the ______ but not in for the _____. I'm going to stay away from the ______ ____ if Rob K will be ____ing his ________. See you then _____"
- " ____ on!"
- "I like the switch to Tahoe, I will be there. I look forward to _____ you all"
- "In - and not ___ing the ____ _____ that weekend"
- "I'm going to put my _____ in the _____ _____"
- "The ______ and ______ ______ make me uneasy"
- Josh Groban CD
- Shopping at the outlets
- Oh, my gosh
- Curlers and nail polish for the make over night
- sangria, cosmos, sweets for a week, baking, famous texas cake, amigos
- It is so totally
- tickling
- eating, buffet food
- faith, Lord Jesus Christ
- advanced math, book club
On second thought, taking out the words in the beginning, probably wasn't a good idea. Can you top the mad libs?
Friday, June 12, 2009
Are you brave enough to stay a night in Stockton?
Two Double Beds = $99.00 per room per night plus 10% tax
View Larger Map
Monday, June 1, 2009
Karaoke and the Song List
Ok, here’s the deal. The boss said we can have Karaoke at the wedding reception. Now, before you touch your fingertips together and slowly say “excellent”, there are some ground rules. Because lets face it, there’s a fine line between having Karaoke at your wedding reception and having a “Karaoke wedding reception”. If we don't adhere to the guidelines, our reception will consist of 5 straight hours of ex-sorority girls singing “I Will Survive” intermingled with Richie singing the f-bomb version of “Total Eclipse of the Heart”.
Now that just can’t happen. Not on Greg's watch.

Sensi Murphy says here are some guidelines:
- You have to call dibs. To prevent dunk Gabe fighting with drunk Richie for the right to sing “Let Her Cry” by Hootie and the Blowfish, requests to sing can be made before the wedding date. It will also make it easier for our DJ. To call dibs, type your name and song in the comments section or email me or Carrie. First come, first serve. So if you wait till Sept 26th to tell the DJ your tune, most likely he’ll say, “I’m sorry, but “It’s Raining Men’ by the Weathergirls is reserved for Justin Arthur”. But don’t worry; towards the tail end of the night we will open up the singing to everyone who didn’t make a request.
- Karaoke must be sandwiched between at least three non-karaoke songs. Otherwise, our first dance will be to Steve rapping “Freaks of the Industry”.
- What the DJ says, goes. Please don’t fight with him. He has our deposit.
- Unfortunately, we need to limit the slow songs. We want people to dance while you sing, not make out.
Also, we want your input for the DJ's song list, so if you want to get down to the “Cha Cha Slide” speak now or forever hold your peace. Again, please use the comments section for your requests. Thanks!
Monday, May 25, 2009
Save the Dates

Friday, May 22, 2009
Wedding Chapel

Monday, May 11, 2009
Registry according to Carrie = pulling teeth
1) Carrie is waaaay too happy picking out her own gifts. Case is point: look at the picture below. You wouldn't have guessed it but she was mad at me 5 minutes before. Yet her anger melts away as she stares in awe at a potential bed sheet.
2) Every single bride to be thinks they are doing the groom a favor by giving him scanner duty. Here's a secret ladies: you are not. It seems like scanner duty might be fun for the groom since the scanner looks like the illegitimate child of a gun and a remote control. However just because it resembles a gun doesn't mean i'm going to say "COOL!" and run around the store shooting things saying "pew, pew". Also the other grooms do not have Lasertag helmets and vests on. If holding the scanner gun was fun, I would be high fiveing the other grooms while having scan-offs rather than trying to avoid eye contact. Nothing can take away the cold hard truth that I'm picking out linens. And then scanning them.
3) 8 pillows on a bed? This was the norm. This. Was. The. Norm.
4) the world's most appropriate wedding registry item ever.
we are registered at Crate and Barrel, Macy's, and