So we registered the other day at Crate & Barrel and Macy's which was totally my first choice for places to register. I totally did not want to register at Best Buy, Fry's Electronics, or Eddie's Liquors. No, not me. I totally wanted to register for bedding and place settings rather than a stupid Sony Bravia 70" 1080p LCD HDTV model #KDL70XBR7. If you're curious on how the TV looks, you could probably find it by clicking the link:
stupid tv.
I truly believe that the place settings will set a positive start for our new life as husband and wife. And the bedding practically guarantees we will be together forever. The TV on the other hand is just a tv. I mean lets face it, if someone wanted to register for a tv they'd probably be "selfish" or "not realistic" anyways.
Even though we COULD use a tv to get maximum viewing pleasure from our wedding video or future home movies of our yet to be born children, the thought of enjoying our memories to the max is just a "stupid reason" and registering for a tv probably "wouldn't be worth it" or "come on are you serious? we are not registering for a tv". And besides, what's more fun: a kick ass formal dinner party or a dumb ol' super bowl party where all your friends would come over and totally not have fun at all? You guessed it, the f-ing dinner party! I totally can't wait to rock the formal dinner scene with our new "Clark" silverware!
But I digress.....
Seriously, registering was pretty fun. Here were some of my observations:
1) Carrie is waaaay too happy picking out her own gifts. Case is point: look at the picture below. You wouldn't have guessed it but she was mad at me 5 minutes before. Yet her anger melts away as she stares in awe at a potential bed sheet.

2) Every single bride to be thinks they are doing the groom a favor by giving him scanner duty. Here's a secret ladies: you are not. It seems like scanner duty might be fun for the groom since the scanner looks like the illegitimate child of a gun and a remote control. However just because it resembles a gun doesn't mean i'm going to say "COOL!" and run around the store shooting things saying "pew, pew". Also the other grooms do not have Lasertag helmets and vests on. If holding the scanner gun was fun, I would be high fiveing the other grooms while having scan-offs rather than trying to avoid eye contact. Nothing can take away the cold hard truth that I'm picking out linens. And then scanning them.
3) 8 pillows on a bed? This was the norm. This. Was. The. Norm.

4) the world's most appropriate wedding registry item ever.

we are registered at
Crate and Barrel,
Macy's, and